

克罗斯今年才27岁,正值当打之年。 德国队中后场的核心球员之一,在中场有着出色的组织、调度和出球能力;同时还有一脚远射和定位球的能力。 在皇马期间是德布劳内在俱乐部的替代者,在16/17赛季一度出任了俱乐部队长的职务,可以说是齐达内最信任的球员之一。

不过,克罗斯的防守并不积极,他更倾向于在前场做文章,因此他的身价也较其他核心球员有所欠缺(与蒂亚戈相近)。所以如果克罗斯参加本届赛事的话,应该会担任后腰的位置而非中前卫。 本届比赛德国队的后腰位置人选其实有很多,从博阿滕到罗德里格斯再到京多安都有过出场经验,克罗斯能否入选还要看主帅的想法及后腰人员之间的竞争结果而定。

当然,克罗斯作为核心球员之一,也是有机会得到出场机会的。 个人认为,克罗斯虽然拥有不错的进攻和组织能力,但是防守不积极是个硬伤,在面对强敌时很可能会成为球队的后患。而且年龄也不占优势,这届比赛应该是克罗斯的国家队生涯最后一战的可能性更大一些吧…… 所以个人感觉克罗斯应该不会出现在本届比赛的名单上,最多只能以观摩者的身份来观看自己国家的球员进行拼搏了~


Kroos - Germany's #10 World Cup Goal Scorer of all time.

Kroos' goal against Japan on June 27, 2014 is the first ever in a World Cup Finals for him and his team as well as the fastest scoring goals in this edition of the tournament so far at just over five minutes. In total, Kroos has scored six times in four games with three coming from penalties (a new record). He was already the top scorers going into the quarter finals, but he has extended that lead past two more players to make it ten in a row now. You won't catch up until you do something about your own stats too...

Kroos would be my player pick if I were picking any other than Toni Kroos. We need our best players on the field, not because we want them to win us trophies or whatever, but out of respect for what they are contributing to their teams every day by playing and working hard everyday like everyone else does.
