一般4-6人,但依规则不同有差异(如测试赛、练习赛、非正式比赛等规模较小的活动可无裁判)。 规则中关于裁判的描述: Rule 100 Umpires Umpires shall be appointed by the executive director of MLB or his designee for each Major League game. umpires of Minor League games shall be selected from a list to be provided by the director of amateur rules to the responsible local organization. The fielding cap shall have an identifying stamp that includes the letters “MLB” and the number of the team with which the player is affiliated. No player who is not affiliated with a Major or Minor League club may wear such a cap on the field of play under any circumstances. 在MLB一级联赛中,每场比赛中由两名裁判负责判罚,他们身着颜色与球队相搭配的制服,胸前佩戴写有比赛双方名字和号码的徽章。在比赛期间,裁判被允许进入本方球员席,并通过无线电收听比赛解说,但不得观看录像。
在低级别的MLB二级联赛中,每场比赛只派遣一名裁判。该裁判的身份应尽可能公开,以便让球迷可以监督其工作。为降低错判率,提高比赛质量,现在越来越多的比赛都使用视频回放技术来辅助裁判作出最准确的判决。 除判定进攻和防守成员的犯规行为外,裁判还应决定: 击球员是否安全上垒; 跑垒员是否安全上垒; 是否应终止比赛,以及应给予哪个队胜场等等。 根据规则,一旦一队获得足够得分赢下比赛时,即使对方未完全上场完赛或已经出局,比赛也将被宣告结束并立即计胜。在这种情况下,无论是否有漏判、错判出现,裁判的决定都是最终决定,不能被挑战。