1. 丹麦是传统欧洲强队,不过近些年没落了点。 2001年世界杯打进八强,2002年亚洲杯夺冠;近十几年在世界杯欧锦赛的最好名次分别是16、17(2018和2020);
2. 但丹麦还是有一定的底蕴的。上世纪七十年代曾两度登上世界杯亚军宝座(1967年和1990年),在欧洲杯上更是于1992年捧起了冠军奖杯。 3. 在国际足联排名中常年稳定在十几二十名左右,2022年排名第十,处于中游水平。 4. 从历史成绩来说的话,丹麦在1960, '64 and '68 was the first time that they played in a European Championship Final Three times! They won it once (in 1967), lost two-one against Yugoslavia after extra time of the second final, then drew with Greece when both teams were out of it. In this game between Denmark (blue shirts) and Greece (white shirts), you are going to hear "Denmark, Danmark" chanted by Greek fans for about ten minutes! It's quite something. The third one I mentioned above is what happened four years later at Munich, Germany during the Olympic Finals. Then there have been other finals but without victory: Euro 1984 vs Czechoslovakia, Euro 1992 semi-final aginst Germany and Euro 1996 quarterfinal versus Sweden.
5. 最近一次出现在大家视野可能是今年欧国联赛,丹麦四战全胜晋级决赛圈,但最后小组赛就结束了征程。 总结一下就是丹麦曾经很强,现在是中游球队,实力有但不强。另外虽然我不是很了解丹麦国内联赛的情况,但是应该是不强的。因为欧洲国家中有很多小国,他们足球运动员可以不用去考虑出国踢球的问题,所以可能在国内联赛能积累到比较多的比赛经验吧~ 最后放一个我觉得很精彩的比赛:2012年欧洲杯半决赛丹麦对阵德国的比赛,双方都踢得很有水准哦~